Experts with the right tools to meet your target

  1. Product certifications – Validation, Verification & Performance

    Proof that a specific product complies with all the required regulations or stipulations present within a contract or by an independent, national, or international organization. This proof also demonstrates the fulfillment of the various quality assurance and performance tests. Product life cycles are shrinking, and disruptive technologies are becoming the new norm. Speed to react to a shifting economy is creating a new set of standards for product and process development. All this leads us to a new set of challenges causing a re-evaluation of strategies for design and process verification and validation. This helps identify and minimize significant risks in the development process and accelerates the product to market.

  2. Root Cause Corrective Action ( RCCA)

    This is a solution for eliminating non-conformities that will lead to problems if left undetected. However, this can’t prevent the effects of an event that has already happened, but with RCCA, we can stop it from occurring again.

  3. AS9145 – Requirements for Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

    This framework of procedures and techniques is used to help develop new products in the industry using these five nuts and bolts; Product Planning and Quality Program Definition, Product Design, and Development. Process Design and Development; Validation of Product and Process; Production Launch, Assessment, and Improvement.

  4. AS9145 – Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

    This is a design & manufacturing inspection process used to verify a supplier’s ability to produce a part reliably and repeatedly for mass production. It validates a production process by inspecting parts before, during, and after a production run. The process is submitted at 5 Levels; Level 1 – Part Submission Warrant (PSW) only. Level 2 – PSW with product samples and limited supporting data. Level 3 – PSW with product samples and complete supporting data. Level 4 – PSW and other requirements as defined by the customer. Level 5 – PSW with product samples and complete supporting data available for review at the supplier’s manufacturing location

  5. Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) Development

    Are you a government contractor? Let’s help with your capability and deliverables! We can help provide a standardized method of clearly and unambiguously delineating the contract minimum essential data needs with your subcontractors or sub-tiers in supporting the list of authorized data requirements for a specific procurement that forms part of your contract. It comprises either a single DD Form 1423 or a series of DD Forms 1423 containing data requirements and delivery information.

  6. Training – Systems, QA/OC, Safety Awareness, Good practices,

    We provide quality management training to help your company gain an edge over the competition, build employee competency, and boost operational efficiency, and corporate profitability. We also provide training on building teams, safe work procedures, and recognizing and controlling hazards.

  7. Supplier selection – Evaluation, SOW, Procedures, and Specifications

    We will help guide your company through the process of identifying, evaluating, and contracting with suppliers through offer evaluations, technical capability determination, operational capacity, and financial analyses.

  8. Procurement support – Requirements, RFP and RFQ

    We support agencies, firms, or companies interested in procurement of commodities, services, or valuable assets, to potential suppliers in establishing business proposals in getting overview offerings and costs.  Request for Proposal (RFP) for procurement solicit bids from qualified vendors or procurement document that announces and describes a project or purchase request. Request for Quote (RFQ) preliminarily gets general information from potential vendors.

  9. Staffing – QA/QC Inspectors, technology insertion, Auditors, Expeditors, coordinators, & on-site representatives



We help the speed of service, system, and cost efficiency to meet your target and quality.

  1. Six Sigma Process Improvement Project

     Six Sigma method is focused on limiting fluctuation within business processes and quality management of process output by implementing problem-solving statistical methods. The objective of this project is to improve quality, enhance revenue, and save or reduce costs.

    It puts emphasis on understanding customers’ requirements better and eliminating defects and waste. It is achieved through profound knowledge of statistics, engineering, and project management, as well as the underlying processes and systems.

  2. Lean Enhancement Project

    Lean is a performance-based, continuous-improvement strategy that focuses on eliminating waste and streamlining the workplace, and unnecessary steps in company processes. The goal of a lean project is to maximize value while minimizing waste.

  3. Kaizen events

    Kaizen, or rapid improvement processes, often is the “building block” of all lean production methods. Kaizen focuses on eliminating waste, improving productivity, and achieving sustained continual improvement in targeted activities and processes of an organization. Kaizen is effective at identifying Muda, Mura, and Muri.